Getting Started
- Download
You can download the latest version of the Food Diary at
- Install
To install the program, simply unzip into any folder.
- First time use
When you first run the program you will need to setup your user file. Each
user of the program will have to follow this step to setup a user profile.
The first time you run the program, a "New User" wizard will run to help you
create your user profile. If you want to create a new user file you can re-run
the wizard by selecting File/New User. Once you have created your profile you can
edit your settings from within the program.
- Save your file
Once you have completed the "New User" wizard you
will be prompted to save your user file. Pick a location and hit ok. The next
time you run the program this file will be loaded by default.
Starting with the USDA database
The following is only necessary if you want to use a different version of the
USDA database than the one that came with the program.
- Download
You can download the latest version of the Food Diary at
You should download the version that doesn't have a datafile since that will be
generated as part of this procedure.
You also need to download the version
of the USDA database you want to use. Make sure you get the full ASCII version.
The program can't read the other versions of the database. This is publicly
available at the USDA's web page:
as a zip file
- Install
To install the program, simply unzip the program zip into any folder. You also
need to unzip the USDA database to a directory. This should be a different
directory than you are using for the program.
- First time use
The first time you run the program, a "New User" wizard
will run. You should simply cancel out of
this wizard since you will have to re-run it after installing the USDA database.
- Import the USDA database
Under the 'Advanced' menu select 'Import USDA Database'. Pick the directory
that you unziped the database into and wait. You will then be prompted for the
name of the data file to save this to. Use the default. If the process was
successful you will have the foods listed in the USDA food tree.
- Setup your user
Select File/New User to run the "New User" wizard
to create your user profile.
- Save your file
Once you have completed the "New User" wizard you
will be prompted to save your user file. Pick a location and hit ok. The next
time you run the program this file will be loaded by default.
Upgrade to USDA database version SR17
If you download the full version of the FoodDiary v1.3.3 or later, you will get
version 17 of the USDA database. If you already have created a user and want to
keep that data, you should only download the new executable instead of the full
version. The program can continue to use version 16 of the USDA database
(which came with all prior version of the FoodDiary program).
If you are a new user, or if you are willing to lose your previous data file,
then you can download the full version with version 17 built in and create a
new user (see above).
If you have created a user and want to keep that data, but want to upgrade to
version 17 of the USDA database then you should follow these steps.
- Download
You can download the latest version of the Food Diary at
You should download the executable only version. You also need to download the
sr17 update text files from the USDA. This is publicly available at the USDA's web page:
as a zip file
- Make a Backup
Make a copy of your data files ( and userfoods.dat).
- Install
Unnzip the program zip into your existing FoodDiary program directory. This will
overwrite your existing executable. You also need to unzip the USDA update file
to a directory.
- Update the USDA database
Under the 'Advanced' menu select 'Update the USDA Database'. Pick the directory
that you unziped the update file into and wait. This will apply the updates from
the USDA to your data file.