
How it works

The number that is displayed is the "efficiency" of attacking the unit in the column with the unit in the row. The efficiency is computed by: [attackers attack rating] / [defenders defence vs attacker] * [cost to build defender] / [cost to build attacker]. The attack and defence numbers are adjusted for the terrain type selected. So, for example if we are in a small forest attacking a stalwart with a knight, the efficiency is [65 attack * 90%]*[480 sec]/([17 def_vs_cav * 130%]*[800 sec]) = 1.59

So if you spent 159 days building stalwarts, they could be killed by the number of knights built in 100 days if the knights attacked the stalwarts in a small forest.

The color coding is blue for a good scenario for the attacker, red for a good scenario for the defender and green for an even fight.