DS Sidekick

DS Sidekick is a chrome extension and firefox greasemonkey script that assists the with game Illyriad. It is intended to suplement the existing DS Companion and replace the popular IllyTools plugin. It is only available to members of the Dominion and its allies.

How to install


Chrome is the recommended browser for the DS Sidekick. I developed the tool on Chrome and it has been tested much more extensively on Chrome.

To add the extension to Chrome, go to the direct link at the chrome store and install from there. This will keep your extension up to date with any changes. If you would prefer you can also download the extension, then drag-drop it onto the Chrome extensions page.


To add the extension to Firefox, go to the direct link at the Firefox add-on store and install from there. This will keep your extension up to date with any changes. Unfortunately, the Firefox team will occasionally try to test my extension which doesn't work since they aren't in our alliance. When this happens, they disable the extension. So if that link doesn't work send me mail in game and I'll upload a fresh version to the store.


Once the tool is installed, refresh your Illyriad page. The tool should appear as a small box on the bottom right of your window. Open the tool by clicking on the name.

The tool keeps track of information about your empire. To initially populate the tool, select the town map screen for your first city and then page through all of your cities. Optionally repeat with the "Train Army" and "Train Diplomats" screens.

Set your preferences by opening the tools tab and selecting the resources that you want to display.

Illyriad Map

The Illyriad map is an external, OpenLayers based, map of Illyriad that has terrain and city data.

The terrain data is static and displays the combat terrain. I use yellow for plains, greens for forest, reds for hills, grays for mountains, black for impassable and purple for buildings.

You can switch between displaying the terrain and a political map that shows the countries with the plus in the upper right

The city data is loaded once per day and shows the cities labeled by the name of the player who owns them, colored by alliance and the population is the size. The city color is blue for TCol, Cyan for our allies, Green for non-agression pacts, yellow for alliance who have no relationship to TCol, and red for alliances we are at war with.

You can turn on and off the city data with the plus on the top right. You can also turn on the "Sweet-spot finder". This works just like the version in IllyTools and draws dots on the map - red for food between 7 and 10, yellow for food between 11 and 14 and blue for food above 14.

Player population chart

You can lookup data about the population of a player's cities here.You can enter the player's name or ID. You will have to use ID for names that have special characters. You can find the player's ID by going to their profile in-game and looking at the URL.

TCOL Troop Count

The new TCOL troop count is hosted here. You can use this form to sumbit troop counts for all of your cities at once. Fill in ALL of your counts and press the submit button.

The latest DS Sidekick will put a "Submit Troop Count" button at the bottom of the army page. Click this to submit your counts (military and diplomatic) for that city. Repeat for each city.